a flighty fiend

Full name a flighty fiend
Level 41
Race Imp
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS
Health points 4,760
Damage 25 to 105
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Holy Dirt of Brell (Jewelry) - 4.294% (4.294% Global)
    2. Fiery Jewel of the Underfoot (Jewelry) - 1.227% (1.227% Global)
    3. Speckled Granite Pebble (Jewelry) - 1.84% (1.84% Global)
    4. Living Heart of a Brell Minion (Gems) - 1.84% (1.84% Global)
    5. Blood Flecked Obsidian Shard (Jewelry) - 0.613% (0.613% Global)
    6. Block of Black Ore (Gems) - 4.908% (4.908% Global)
    7. Russet Oxide (Combinable) - 3.681% (3.681% Global)
    8. Iron Oxide (Combinable) - 3.681% (3.681% Global)
    9. Charcoal (Combinable) - 4.294% (4.294% Global)
  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 35 (Combinable) - 0.9% (0.9% Global)
    2. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 36 (Combinable) - 1.15% (1.15% Global)
    3. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 115 (Combinable) - 1.11% (1.11% Global)
    4. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 116 (Combinable) - 1.12% (1.12% Global)
    5. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 300 (Combinable) - 1.02% (1.02% Global)
    6. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 301 (Combinable) - 1.04% (1.04% Global)
    7. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 351 (Combinable) - 1.06% (1.06% Global)
    8. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 352 (Combinable) - 1.2% (1.2% Global)
    9. Rune of Rathe (Combinable) - 1.23% (1.23% Global)
    10. Rune of Attraction (Combinable) - 1.05% (1.05% Global)
    11. Rune of the Inverse (Combinable) - 1.09% (1.09% Global)
    12. The Scent of Marr (Combinable) - 0.39% (0.39% Global)
    13. Words of Incarceration (Combinable) - 2.31% (2.31% Global)
    14. Essence of Rathe (Combinable) - 1.23% (1.23% Global)
    15. Tears of Prexus (Combinable) - 1.671% (1.671% Global)
    16. Words of the Psyche (Combinable) - 1.17% (1.17% Global)
    17. Words of Burnishing (Combinable) - 1.1% (1.1% Global)
    18. Words of Obligation (Combinable) - 1.11% (1.11% Global)
    19. Words of Collection (Caza) (Combinable) - 1.03% (1.03% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Hole

  • hole_a_flighty_fiend9 : 694 / 198 / -906
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • hole_a_flighty_fiend9 : 231 / -143 / -226
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : 30 / 355 / -382
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : 292 / 444 / -332
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : -208 / 320 / -291
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : -227 / 327 / -293
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : -64 / 465 / -347
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : 358 / 543 / -640
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : -55 / -71 / -295
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : -5 / 2 / -277
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : -21 / -83 / -277
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : -6 / -244 / -276
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : 592 / -228 / -233
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : 424 / -343 / -188
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • Static_hole_223427 : 455 / -321 / -193
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec