a fallen erudite

Full name a fallen erudite
Level 43
Race Skeleton
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS
Health points 5,835
Damage 29 to 111
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 100% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Paineel Splinted Cloak (Armor) - 4% (4% Global)
    2. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 115 (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    3. Nilitim's Grimoire Pg. 116 (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    4. Rune of Rathe (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    5. The Scent of Marr (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    6. Essence of Rathe (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    7. Tears of Prexus (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    8. Words of the Psyche (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    9. Words of Obligation (Combinable) - 4% (4% Global)
    10. Crystallized Sulfur (Combinable) - 20% (20% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    The Hole

  • hole fallen erudite Ghost_of_Glohnor : 839 / 471 / -654
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • hole fallen erudite Ghost_of_Glohnor : 762 / 450 / -654
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • hole fallen erudite Ghost_of_Glohnor : 783 / 466 / -675
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • hole fallen erudite Ghost_of_Glohnor : 803 / 515 / -679
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • hole fallen erudite Ghost_of_Glohnor : 766 / 493 / -679
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • hole fallen erudite Ghost_of_Glohnor : 766 / 536 / -679
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • hole fallen erudite Ghost_of_Glohnor : 793 / 591 / -668
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec
  • hole fallen erudite Ghost_of_Glohnor : 754 / 591 / -668
    Spawns every 17 min 4 sec