a shadow steed

Full name a shadow steed
Level 62
Race Nightmare
Class Warrior
Main faction KOS Plane of Nightmare
Health points 25,200
Damage 124 to 544
Attack speedNormal (100%)
Special attacks

When killed, this NPC drops

  • With a probability of 2% (multiplier : 1):
    1. Ethereal Parchment (Gems) - 100% (2% Global)

    This NPC spawns in

    Plane of Nightmares

  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -2832 / 237 / 170
    Spawns every 25 min
  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -2905 / 208 / 170
    Spawns every 25 min
  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -2885 / 273 / 169
    Spawns every 25 min
  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -2827 / -1730 / 168
    Spawns every 25 min
  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -2927 / -1699 / 169
    Spawns every 25 min
  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -2817 / -1785 / 169
    Spawns every 25 min
  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -3750 / -227 / 167
    Spawns every 25 min
  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -3775 / -450 / 170
    Spawns every 25 min
  • ponightmare_a_shadow_steed85 : -3777 / -788 / 170
    Spawns every 25 min