in Grobb by Barsk (52001)
Bregna (52023)
Jokca (52039)
Kaglari (52041)
Urako (52062)
Gargh (52076)
#Gardunk (52121)
in Guk by a fungus ancient (65008)
in Rathe Mountains by Guard Gruilka (50068)
in Ruins of Old Guk by a bloodthirsty ghoul (66147)
a ghoul supplier (66021)
a reanimated hand (66151)
the ghoul lord (66005)
a guk ghoul wizard (66158)
a bok ghoul knight (66244)
a guk ghoul knight (66245)
a ghoul cavalier (66169)
a ghoul scribe (66170)
a ghoul sentinel (66163)
a ghoul assassin (66171)
a ghoul executioner (66092)
a ghoul ritualist (66108)
a ghoul sage (66165)
a ghoul savant (66100)
a frenzied ghoul (66146)
the ghoul arch magus (66156)
a kor ghoul wizard (66144)
a jin ghoul wizard (66001)
a basalt gargoyle (66129)
a tal ghoul wizard (66106)
a shin ghoul warrior (66098)
a vis ghoul knight (66094)
an urd ghoul wizard (66089)
a shin ghoul knight (66088)
a yun ghoul wizard (66064)
a clay gargoyle (66028)
a wan ghoul knight (66020)
a zol ghoul knight (66018)
a dar ghoul knight (66003)
in Toxxulia Forest by Rungupp (38134)
in Guk by a fungus soldier (65135)
a froglok shin shaman (65096)
a froglok shin knight (65106)
a froglok priest (65108)
a froglok shinta warrior (65112)
a froglok nokta shaman (65113)
a froglok tuk shaman (65119)
a froglok apprentice (65123)
a froglok necromancer (65131)
a fungus drone (65004)
a fungus breeder (65005)
a fungus breeder (65006)
a fungus breeder (65007)
a fungus drone (65018)
a fungus soldier (65252)
a fungus drone (65250)
a fungus soldier (65253)
a froglok tonta knight (65145)
a froglok nok shaman (65248)
the froglok shin lord (65128)
a froglok gaz squire (65140)
the froglok warden (65104)
a froglok scryer (65148)
a froglok realist (65105)
a froglok summoner (65125)
a froglok idealist (65149)
an old froglok (65002)
a froglok sentry (65087)
a froglok tuk warrior (65000)
a froglok ton warrior (65011)
a froglok ton knight (65012)
a froglok neophyte (65090)
a froglok ton shaman (65019)
a froglok tad (65027)
a froglok witch doctor (65030)
a fungus mutant (65037)
a froglok gaz knight (65039)
a froglok gaz shaman (65044)
a froglok novice (65085)
a froglok vis shaman (65071)
a froglok shin warrior (65061)
a froglok tsu shaman (65059)
a froglok tuk knight (65052)
a froglok sentinel (65048)
a froglok guard (65047)
a froglok gaz warrior (65042)
in Innothule Swamp by a froglok tad (46014)
a froglok (46089)
a froglok fisherman (46046)
a froglok guard (46051)
a froglok forager (46013)
Forager Grikk (46011)
in Lake Rathetear by a froglok (51183)
in Qeynos Aqueduct System by Mon`Sarna (45031)
a froglok (45032)
in Ruins of Old Guk by a froglok dar knight (66075)
Slaythe the Slayer (66145)
a minotaur elder (66000)
a froglok tactician (66121)
a froglok noble (66175)
a froglok crusader (66153)
a froglok yun priest (66120)
a froglok slave (66038)
a froglok shin knight (66047)
a greater minotaur (66050)
a froglok zol knight (66053)
a froglok vis knight (66059)
a froglok wan knight (66060)
a froglok kor shaman (66069)
a granite gargoyle (66136)
a froglok bok knight (66071)
a froglok guk shaman (66139)
a froglok guk knight (66246)
a froglok yun shaman (66083)
a froglok tsu shaman (66104)
a froglok tal shaman (66123)
an evil eye (66135)
a froglok urd shaman (66178)
a froglok jin shaman (66067)
the froglok king (66159)
a froglok herbalist (66160)
a minotaur patriarch (66219)
a froglok shin warrior (66240)
in Swamp of No Hope by a froglok gaz knight (83043)
a froglok ton shaman (83171)
in The Feerrott by a froglok tad (47057)